The 3 Pillars of Recovery: A Physiotherapist’s Perspective


The right exercise can aid in tissue healing, reducing pain, and improving overall function. The type and intensity of exercises will vary depending on the individual. The following are some great examples of exercises to improve joint mobility, flexibility, and improve range of movement 

  • Range of motion exercises (e.g. moving neck up/down, side to side, turning)

  • Self-massage techniques such as foam rolling and lacrosse ball self release

  • Dynamic and static stretching


Proper nutrition plays a fundamental role in the recovery process. Nutrients provide the building blocks necessary for tissue repair and growth. From a physiotherapy perspective, here are a few key considerations for optimal nutrition during recovery:

  • Protein: Adequate protein intake is crucial for repairing damaged tissues. Lean meats, fish, dairy, legumes, and nuts are excellent sources of high-quality protein.

  • Anti-inflammatory foods: Some foods possess anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and promote healing. These include fatty fish (rich in omega-3 fatty acids), fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

  • Hydration: Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining optimal bodily functions, including tissue repair. Water, herbal teas, and natural fruit juices are good choices to replenish fluids.


Quality sleep is often underestimated but is a vital component of recovery. During sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, and the brain consolidates learning and memory. Here’s why sleep is crucial during the recovery process:

  • Tissue healing: Sleep promotes the release of growth hormones that aid in tissue repair and regeneration. It also reduces inflammation and accelerates wound healing.

  • Pain management: Sufficient sleep can help reduce pain sensitivity, improving the overall pain management process.

  • Mental well-being: Recovery can be mentally taxing, and quality sleep helps restore emotional balance, reduce stress, and enhance mood.

In conclusion, recovery from injuries and rehabilitation requires a holistic approach, and physiotherapy provides valuable insights into optimising this process. By incorporating appropriate exercises, maintaining a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, and prioritising quality sleep, individuals can enhance their recovery and regain optimal physical function.


Written by Jack Rains
— Physiotherapist, Sydney

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