Groin Strain

What is an Adductor (Groin) Strain?

An acute groin injury usually involves one of the adductor muscles and usually happens during explosive actions such as kicking, reaching with the leg, sudden change of direction or other movements where the muscle is being stretched during a forceful contraction. 

Cause and Symptoms

The main symptoms of a groin strain are pain and tenderness on the inside of the thigh, other symptoms include: 

  • Bruising or swelling on the inside of the thigh 

  • Pain when raising the knee, opening or closing the leg 

  • A feeling of the muscle being weak or tight 

  • Walking with a limp


If you suspect you have strained your adductor muscle, applying ice, using a compression bandage and elevating the area can reduce your pain levels. However, movement as you can tolerate is the key – especially in the early stages of injury! 

Treatment will largely depend on your impairments and what we need to get you back doing! Usually a combination of hands-on therapy and a progressive strength training program will be the main focus of your recovery. 

If you are a field based sporting athlete you will be exposed to high-speed running sessions and a return to sport testing session. This is designed to ensure optimal recovery as adductor strains have a high re-injury rate and high speed running has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to prevent re-injury!


Written by Jack Rains
— Physiotherapist, Sydney

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