How to get through preseason! (Or the start of your sporting season)

The start of the year is an exciting time as many of the winter sports begin their preseason training. It can also be a challenging time for some to resume training post a holiday break and the silly season!

Unfortunately this is also a time of year when we see a lot of injuries – many as the result of jumping back in too hard and too quick. The demands of training can be high, and as much as we want to push ourselves and show off our talents, it’s important to also be mindful of managing your workload and minimising the risk of injury. 

Below are a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your preseason, and minimise the risk of injury. That way you can have a full and successful preseason, and more importantly, competitive season!

  1. Get on top of any niggles or minor injuries yesterday!

    • If you’re dealing with any minor injury issues it’s important to address them ASAP. Trying to train at 100% whilst working through an injury puts you at a higher risk of either worsening the injury or sustaining another one

  2. Avoid going 0-100

    • Unfortunately our fitness doesn’t hang around if we’re not doing the training to match it. That means, unless you’ve kept up the same training and intensity, you won’t be able to pick up exactly where you left off at the end of the last season. 

    • Start slow, embrace it, and slowly increase your intensity as the weeks go on and your fitness and strength improves 

  3. Get into a good warm up and cool down routine

    • Lots of sports require quick sprint efforts and rapid change of direction, and so training should incorporate these skills. It’s important to prep your body for these movements by completing a warm up targeting the relevant areas (e.g. lower limb, upper limb). Dynamic stretches and movements are best for a warm up, think slow jogging, leg swings, rotations etc. 

    • Your body will also thank you for doing a quick cool down after training. Try performing some gentle static or dynamic movements and stretches to look after those muscles 

  4. Eat up!

    • It’s likely that with the commencement of preseason, you’re doing a lot more training than normal. That means your body is working harder than previously, and so it needs fuel to keep the momentum going!

    • Try to eat a balanced-ish diet, drink plenty of water, and go easy on the alcohol after a big session

  5. If anything isn’t feeling right, chat to a trusted coach, sports trainer or physio

    • We’re here to support you and help you thrive throughout the season. Never hesitate to have a chat and we can point you in the right direction

If you have any questions or concerns, we would absolutely love to help you out! You can get in contact via our website, phoning 8080 8088 or emailing admin@physioyves


Written by Jack Rains
— Physiotherapist, Sydney

Instagram: @YSPhysio

Facebook: @YSphysio

TikTok: @ysphysiotherapy



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