Sports Rehabilitation

Sports injury rehabilitation, done differently

Driven by their personal experiences with sports injuries, our physiotherapists understand the complexities of rehabbing a long-term injury.

As a result, we offer a unique long-term rehab program for athletes who want to return to play better and stronger than before, but are lacking direction and consistency when it comes to their recovery.

Athletes choose us for our holistic and individualised approach to sports injury rehabilitation


During our initial session with you, we will conduct a thorough assessment to better understand your injury, medical history, goals, symptoms, and current physical capacities.

This is a great time to be vocal about your needs, concerns, and questions so that you are fully equipped with the right information to know if this is the right program for you.

Treatment Program

Once you have decided that the membership is the right fit for you, you will get access to unlimited 1:1 physiotherapy sessions, as well as state-of-the-art technology, such as our Anti-Gravity treadmill and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES).

Our experienced physios will continuously monitor and assess your progress, providing you with:

  • A treatment management plan

  • An individualised exercise program using our TeamBuildr app

Both of which are continuously adjusted as you progress through your rehab.

Your rehab plan will follow YSP’s phases of rehab, which your physio will discuss with you prior to starting.

Group Classes

We understand that injury can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation from your teammates.

As part of your sports rehab, you are entitled to unlimited group rehab classes with other athletes who are also striving to return to sport, so you never have to feel alone in your journey. These take place in our on-site gym, as well as on the field.

Field Sessions

Part of your rehab will also take place on the field so you have a clear return-to-run transition.

This starts with run progressions including acceleration, deceleration and change of direction, then moving towards improving agility, power, and reactivity with time.

For upper limb injuries in contact-based sports, rehab will look slightly different where the key focus will lie in gradually returning to contact over time.

Sports Massage

In addition to physiotherapy and exercise classes, sports rehab members are entitled to complimentary remedial massage sessions. Using a variety of advanced techniques, these sessions are tailored to your needs with the key aims of promoting overall wellbeing and reducing pain.


We will be with you every step of the way during your recovery journey. Throughout your rehab and beyond, you will get unlimited access to our recovery area, which boasts Game Ready wraps and compression boots.

More value over time

The usual ‘pay per session’ style of private practice physiotherapy can work well for most injuries. However, when it comes to long-term injuries that can require multiple sessions per week, this can get quite costly. This is where our membership model works with, not against, you, by rewarding you for doing more.

Sports Rehab Membership

$180.00 per week

  • Unlimited 1:1 physiotherapy sessions

  • Assessment and treatment

  • Management plan

  • Individualised exercise program that will cover all your bases of rehab

  • Group rehab classes, both in our on-site gym and on the field, supervised by physiotherapists

  • Complimentary access to our sports massage therapist

  • Return to running program, including access to our anti-gravity treadmill and field rehab sessions

  • Unlimited access to our recovery area

  • All claimable with private health insurance and/or sports insurance

Regular Physiotherapy

$117.50 per session

  • Pay-per-session 1:1 physiotherapy sessions

  • Assessment and treatment

  • Management plan

  • Individualised exercise program 

Out of pain and back to playing sport

We have the privilege of working with a number of athletes and collaborating with many sports teams across Netball, AFL, Soccer, Basketball, Waterpolo, Oztag and Touch Footy.

We treat a variety of different sporting injuries and provide rehabilitation programs for our athletes. Our goal is to not only get our athletes pain-free, but to facilitate their return to sport and get them back to 110%.

The phrase “prevention is better than a cure” is our mantra. We work closely with our sports teams to nurture the health of players, implementing preventative strategies wherever possible.

Get Your Assessment Today

Access expert physiotherapy, rehabilitation and remedial massage today.

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