Hamstring Strain

What is a Hamstring Strain?

Hamstring strains can either be acutely injured or can be a result of a build-up of stress over time. Acutely injured hamstrings usually result after stretching it too far or with a sprinting mechanism (Askling 2011).

Cause and Symptoms

The most common mechanism for hamstring injuries is during activities that involve a lot of running and jumping or sudden stopping and starting. A mild hamstring strain or tear may not hurt too much. But some can be very painful, depending on the severity of the strain/tear. It may also be hard to stand or walk. Other symptoms may include:

  • Loss of mobility 

  • Loss of strength 

  • Tenderness/Bruising


If you suspect you have strained your hamstrings muscle, applying ice, using a compression bandage and elevating the area can reduce your pain levels. However, movement as you can tolerate is the key – especially in the early stages of injury! 

Treatment will largely depend on your impairments and what we need to get you back doing! Usually a combination of hands-on therapy and a progressive strength training program will be the main focus of your recovery. 

If you are a field based sporting athlete you will be exposed to high-speed running sessions and a return to sport testing session. This is designed to ensure optimal recovery as hamstring strains have a high re-injury rate and high speed running has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to prevent re-injury! (Med


Written by Jack Rains
— Physiotherapist, Sydney

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