Return to Sports – AxIT Technology
What is AxIT technology?
The AxIT technology consists of four devices:
This technology is quick and easy to objectively measuring your strength and look for possible imbalances between your left and right side as well as other overall weaknesses. Now, we don’t say your body has to be 100% in sync, and if there’s even a small imbalance it’s something you have to improve or work on. Not at all! We recognize that every body is different, and no body is ever 100% in balance or in sync. We use these devices to see if there are significant differences between sides, and with that, we use our clinical judgement and experience to see if the imbalance(s) could possibly lead to an injury, or if the results explain why you suffered the injury in the first place. After that, we can come up with a game plan to make sure that injury never occurs, or to get you back to doing all the activities you love without discomfort.
After measuring, we show our clients their results on a big screen and communicate openly with them about how to interpret the results and their possibilities moving forward.
Here’s an example:
*Peak force = the maximum amount of force generated
In this example, the person is putting 21% more load through their left leg, or 21% less load through their right, depending on how you look at it. This is where the experience and clinical judgement of the physiotherapist comes into play. The results depend on their current or previous injury, or maybe there is some (residual) subconscious fear of putting load through that limb again, which is completely normal! Sometimes we see clients who have recovered from their injury for a couple of months (sometimes even years!) but there is still an underlying weakness that goes unnoticed in their everyday lives. But that’s where the danger of re-injury lies. With this technology, we hope to identify those underlying, unnoticeable weaknesses and help our clients improve them BEFORE a re-injury happens. This way we can help them stay happy and healthy, and ultimately that’s our goal!
Who would benefit from using the AxIT equipment?
We can perform hundreds of measurements and exercises using the AxIT equipment. To list a few examples of people we can help are listed below:
Weight lifters
Footy players
Tennis players
Soccer players
Great news! Sports and gyms are opening again! However, this may come with some risks that we would like to point out. We would also like to offer a special promotion to ensure you can get back in the gym, on the field, or on the court without getting an injury.
Some facts about returning to sports:
The Bundesliga was the first European soccer competition to return, and they saw their injury rate TRIPLE per game
Competition heavy weights Dortmund lost 5 of their starting players due to muscle strains
What if there was a way to prevent this happening to YOU or YOUR TEAM?
We are now offering testing sessions for anyone who would like to bulletproof their body for the upcoming season – we use our state of the art equipment for:
Muscle strength and imbalances
Range of motion
Movement patterns
Running analysis
From there, we create a personalised exercise program delivered to you via a smartphone app!
Click on the “Book Online” button in the top right corner of the website or feel free to give us a call!
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